How Fun Can Keep a Relationship Solid
So we’ve all read articles on relationships, the “What Will Keep Them”, “Are You Soulmates?” and the How-To’s. I know I’ve read a billion of them, but no matter what advice is giving or outcome of the survey, I still end up puzzled with the age old question : WHAT IN THE WORLD HAS KEPT THEM/US TOGETHER SO LONG??
I’ve noticed most people take the cop-out answers like “Well I’ve been with him/her forever without defining the truth of the relationship or we have kids” etc etc. What does that really have to do with the healthy LONGEVITY of your relationship? I mean, have you REALLY stepped outside of your personal reality series of “Life & Love” and observed your affinity? Of course I’m not saying over-analyze every detail as if you’re a critic, but rather try and identify what keeps your ship afloat. What keeps you and your partner rowing down the river of endless possibilities?
Well I’ve bumped into that elephant in the room enough times in my own union that I finally decided to pull up a chair, snap some peanuts and have a heart to heart with the elephant. Like many others I stated the factors programmed in most : “Love, Sex, Money/Responsibility, Kids & the dreaded and unspoken I’M COMFORTABLE”. You know the elephant’s response?? “BITCH I’M FROM THE CIRCUS, TELL ME ABOUT THE FUN!”
So it got me thinking, have we been so conditioned to society’s factors that we’ve forgotten the common denominator….FUN!! Isn’t that what sparked our interest of an “us” to begin with? I mean, it’s no secret, the beginning of the “us” is great. It’s the honeymoon & spontanious moments period. What happens when you’re 3-5yrs in with 1 or more kids? How do you make that 5yrs into 10yrs and beyond? Its simple…REMEMBER THE “F” WORD……FUN!!!
When surveyed, 95% (both men & women) say that keeping FUN in the relationship is a key factor to them, yet it has been lost over time. So I asked around, did my homework, to get suggestions & ideas on how to keep the “F” word fluent in your union. Ideas included but most definetly not limited to:
*Cook Together – from buying the groceries to preparing the meal, try new recipes, make your own.
*Photo Sessions – whether its for your personal collection or for the world to see, have fun with it. Pose, crack jokes, make silly faces, do it all!
*Throw Get-Togethers – you deserve adult time alone AND as a unit!
*Date Nights – whether it’s a movie, games, drinks & good convo (all IN OR OUTSIDE of your home), or traveling somewhere near or far, just set aside time to dedicate to the COUPLE.
**And for the friskier couples – skinny dip, play strip related games (poker, truth or dare), try a swingers page or event….you could even create your own movie (role playing optional).
So in between the bills, work, the kids, daily responsibilities, hell even in the “content moments of silence & existence”, remember a little fun can stretch your future TOGETHER a long way. Couples that have fun together are couples that are undeniably happy…..TOGETHER!
So tell me, have you used the “F” word lately? #LetsGetNaked #BareItAll