Rihanna Calls JR Smith “A Desert Thirsty Nigga” LMAO!
Let’s say some of the Knicks fans were pretty upset in reference to a recent loss and are looking for someone to blame. JR Smith was recently seen at a club with the Rihanna partying it up and now the fans are blaming her for their loaa. One of his instagram followers by the name of @peruvian_gawd Instagramed a photo blaming Rihanna for the Knicks recent loss.
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Well our Bajan beauty Riri wasn’t feeling his comment at all. She responded by saying this:
“F*ck you and your wack ass team!! No one don’t want that dessert thirsty ni*ga!! He f*ckin up cus his ass be hungover from clubbing every night during playoffs!! So your issue ain’t with with rasshole me.”
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Yo Riri doesn’t play! When you come for her she comes right back. We have to love her for that. This story was hilarious.
You tryin Get this Pipe JR Smith…Click Here
How you call J.R. Smith desert thirsty nigga! lmao! It is safe to assume she didn’t get the pipe.
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