Rihanna had to cancel a string of tour dates due to some mystery illness and of course the media went straight to pregnancy. Maybe she was just tired or sick. Women see the doctor for plenty of other reasons than babies. It is a lot on the body to be on stage dancing for hours every night.
That is probably the only time those performers catch a break is when they are sick. Well Rihanna took to instagram wearing a gold bikini looking and feeling much better with the cutest little toddler boy. Although she appears engaged with the little tot I am sure she will wait on the baby movement.
Now in my opinion anyone who follows Rihanna knows if she was pregnant I doubt she would try to hide it. She is an open book. If she was pregnant by Chris Brown I am sure she would have taken of a picture of the damn pregnancy test and posted it. So I already knew it was a bunch of BS when I didn’t see her hint or confirm at any pregnancy rumors.
Now she did do an interview where she said she wanted to have children but I don’t quite remember her saying so near in the future. All you Rihanna fans will have to wait for her off spring because by the look of this bikini she is wearing there is no baby.