Safaree Samuels Breaks His Silence on Power 105.1
Safaree Samuels breaks his silence about the Nicki Minaj break-up on Power 105.1’s The Breakfast Club. Just in case you missed it I have the live footage right here! After watching the interview I felt so bad for him.

I respected him a lot more after this interview due to his sensitivity and loyalty to her. Although she has played him publicly and through social media he continues to uplift her without malice.
It’s safe to assume that the fame broke up their relationship. It is no secret that I am not a Nicki Minaj fan but I think it’s corny that she is dragging this man’s name through the mud on social media.

In the interview he seems strong and even refers to The Pink Print rapper as his “soul mate”. It just seems that he is tired of feeling disrespected and like an employee. It is hard to see people who have supported each other and give so much break up after all they gave.
For all the people who called him a “hypeman” or a “servant” that was wrong. I applaud him for what he has done and walking away from what he couldn’t deal with any longer. He explained that he is an affectionate man who likes to hold his woman’s hand in public and not walk 10 steps behind her because the camera’s may flash.
It takes a strong man to stand behind his woman as she pursues her dreams and he puts his on hold. I just want her to stop expressing herself publicly in regards to her break-up to sell more records. It is just so tacky and unnecessary. All of this to me seems like a marketing attempt to keep us thinking about her album at his expense. Being that she wasn’t vocal about her relationship from the before it does seem suspect.
Spewing that venom to her millions of followers and then them attacking him is not cool. Although he appears strong you never know what people are dealing with emotionally. He openly admits that he was thinking about ending his own life due to the break-up. “It’s like learning to crawl or walk all over again.” Scaff explained.
The retweeting of the fans blaming him for the downfall of the relationship was something he had difficulty dealing with.
However, I wish Scaff Beezy the best in any of his future business decisions. I hope that they are able to work this out even if they don’t comeback together. When he was asked about Meek Mill he said Nicki is free do as she pleases. He is not mad at Meek Mill either because everyone wanted her. He ended with it’s a come up for him. Thoughts?
Watch the interview here:
Here is my commentary on the matter:

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