The Single Woman Files: Red Lobster
The phone rings and Jade answers to say “Hello.” Sean says “Hey you ready to meet at the Raceway gas station?” Jade replies “Yes I will be there in ten minutes.” Jade takes her time putting the final touches on her hair then grabs her keys and proceeded to the door.
Jade was dressed in a simple maxi dress and a pair of flats. She didn’t want Sean to think she was trying to hard by the effort in her appearance. Jade was excited to meet him. They’d been talking for weeks and this was their first date. Jade starts the car, rolls down the windows and took off. At the red light she couldn’t resist taking one final glance in the rearview to make sure she was perfect.
The light turns green and Jade makes a right into the gas station. She proceeds to look around but doesn’t see a car that’s waiting. Then her cellphone rings and it’s Sean. “Hey I am sorry for the wait but I’m here.” Jade answers “It’s cool but where are you?” In the distant Jade hears the sound of a bicycle changing gears. She doesn’t think to turn her head because she assumes it school children passing by.
Sean replies “I am trying to park my bike.” Jade is slightly excited because she thinks Sean has a motorcycle but confused that she doesn’t hear it. Jade hears the bicycle sound getting closer and before she could react Sean pulls beside her to say “You think they will let me park my bicycle here?”
Jade is mortified and confused by this bike situation. She asks “Did you seriously ride a bicycle to the gas station?” Sean replied “Yes this is how I get around. Is that a problem?” Jade was thinking to herself it wouldn’t be if you were 12. Although horrified she gave him the benefit of the doubt and thought maybe he was saving for something big. Which would make this bicycle a sacrifice to gain it. Jade wanted to see the best in Sean so she painted a picture of him she could live with.
Jade answers “No it’s not an issue.” Then Sean parks the bicycle and hops in the car with Jade. The ride was silent and awkward due to him showing up on Huffy. Jade and Sean arrive at Red Lobster which was luckily not too far from the gas station. They are seated and the menus are giving. The awkward silence was broken with a small joke which gave Jade a small smile. Thinking she could get pass the bike she continues to look at the menu. As she skip through the pages Sean advises her she is only allowed to order from one page of the menu. Sean says strongly “Only order appeitizers if you want me to pay.” “I can’t be spending a whole lot of money in here.” Jade starts to laugh and says “Your kidding right?”

Sean replies “Nah Red Lobster is mad money and I can only afford shit on this page.” Jade was so disgusted at who she was sitting across from. She started to think he wasn’t the man who was interesting and caring over the phone. He was a broke ass dude on a fucking ten speed who takes women to restaurants he can’t afford.
As Jade became one with her thoughts she became increasingly annoyed. The sight of him started to sicken her. She was seriously regretting not leaving him at the gas station. Jade was beyond upset and said “How the hell you take me out without any money?” Sean replies “I have money but it is to spend on these appetizers.” Jade says angrily “I will pay for my own meal since you can only afford this page. I can afford all of these pages motherfucka!”
The waitress came back and asked them for their orders. Jade responded quickly “Give me mine to go.” Sean said “Yea mine too!” Jade paid for her food and proceeded to the door. Sean yelled ” Hey! Where you going? How Will I Get Home?” Jade replied “Walk! You cheap bastard! I can’t afford your ride back bitch!” Sean runs after Jade’s car as she speed off into the night.
Moral of the Story: Jade gave him the benefit of the doubt too soon. Men have to earn the benefit so there won’t be any doubt.

Omg, this is too funny! This is something the DJ guy would do! Not the bike thing, but definitely the appetizer thing! Good story! Sad that it be’s t like that sometimes…lol
How you going to tell someone to order from one page? lmao! I can’t!