Siohvaughn Funches-Wade Takes Parenting Issues With Dwanye to the Chicago Streets!
Yesterday Siohvaughn Funches-Wade took to the streets of Chicago to express her starling claims that Dwayne Wade will not allow her to see her children.
Funches- Wade and Dwayne have not seem to have settled their differences from their divorce in 2010. Siohvaughn was Dwayne’s high school sweetheart who he then married in 2002. The couple produced two kids from the marriage but later separated in 2007 when Dwayne filed for a divorce.

During the time of filing Dwanye was subsequently dating popular actress Gabrielle Union. The rumor mill says that she is the woman that came in between their marriage causing the break-up of the Wade family. After the divorce in 2010 Wade then took her to court in 2011 to receive full custody of their two sons which he then won.

Which brought Funches-Wade to the streets of Chicago claiming that Wade had been scheduling her two sons to be other places during her parenting time. She also claims that the lawyers who Wade pays for dropped all of the lawsuits she filed against him because of her ex-husbands interference.
The most startling claim of them all is Funches-Wade says he offered her financial assistant in exchange for her silence about the marriage. She said her voice can not be brought and she wants to see her children during her parenting time.
In my opinion this is a very sad story despite whose fault it is. These visuals only effect the children and ultimately they are both responsible for that. Through a child’s eyes all they will see is there mother looking homeless on the street claiming how she doesn’t get to see them.
The children will then start holding anger due to their embarrassment not fully understanding grown up issues. Last but certainly not least they would be upset because in a whole their parents aren’t acting like adults.
I posted the photo on my Facebook page and my bareians were very opinionated about Funches-Wade. Saying she has no self-respect and she needs to stop begging for money and get a job. I looked deeper into the situation and see it as a woman reacting to this high level of stress that she never took care of.
She married this guy who turned pro, had a baby, then got pregnant again and he filed for divorce.
Only to find their was another woman and not any woman one of the most beautiful women in the industry Gabrielle Union. She gets a divorce and then has her kids removed from her all in the matter of seven years. When did this woman have time to really process her feelings after these series of fucked up events?
Would I have been on the street with a sign protesting probably not because that isn’t the way I process my feelings. I believe Funches-Wade is hurt, jealous, and feels alienated. The woman who allegedly broke up your marriage is now playing mommy to the kids you birth to this world while you feel shut out. Thats a lot to deal with.
Wade also went on record saying that ” He was a horrible husband.” So I know it must be hard looking at him being the doting boyfriend to Gabrielle Union while he wasn’t that great to you. It is in her face all the time. She can’t just move away and not see it. They are on red carpets, she goes to the games, and they’ve covered magazines together. That is tough.
I honestly hope she can get some help to sort out her emotions about the break up, the kids being in his custody, and the fact that he has moved on with another woman. Instead of clowning her please keep her in your prayers. No one gets married to get a divorce.
Wade didn’t respond initially to the street protest but he did post this photo via instagram with theses hash tags: #REALLY #whatyoutalkingaboutwillis#aintnobodygottimeforthat.

Watch the Video Here of Funches-Wade: