Is Social Media Making Us Over Share?
Last night, while on YouTube I couldn’t help but to notice in my recommendations a video about a fellow creator’s abortion. In that moment, I started to question how much information are we giving? Well, this creator was ready and willing to give a full account of her medical procedure.
As creators could we be sharing too much of our lives and not realizing the overall consequences? Since when did the approval of strangers become something we not only needed but desired? Yes, those Google Adsense checks are nice but at what cost?
The creator made their experience during/after the abortion procedure seem like a trip to the mall. Her mannerisms minimalized her decision to terminate her pregnancy. While speaking about her experience her disposition was cheerful and her actions were laughter. This was very hard to watch because in reality this is a difficult choice to make.
It was even sadder because it seemed that this video wasn’t posted for the purpose of being a cautionary tale. It was posted to make ad revenue. She basically was trolling her own channel. Some creator’s are brave enough to take on hard social topics and make a difference. In this case it seemed like a joke.
In the beginning of the video she gives a disclaimer claiming she isn’t a role model and no one should be looking up to her. She also said if you were looking up to her and you are disappointed that it was your choice to see her in that way. She further explained that one of her subscriber’s wrote her a message in disbelief for ending her pregnancy. She disregarded the supporter and remained controversial.
I am pro-choice and I feel women should be able to have the right to handle their unwanted pregnancies however they see fit. However, where was the respect in all of this? The respect for herself and other women who have been through that emotional ordeal.
The visual of her sitting there on her passively aggressive perch giving the viewer a “it’s not emotional big deal” confirmation was off-putting. She went on to say, ” I get over things quicker than others do. So if you are looking for a sad video it won’t be here.” Then she smiled.
I found this video to be unrealistic and not educational at all. In my opinion, if you are going to share something like this than you need to be prepared to treat it with the utmost respect.
Be prepared to use your transparency with facts and numbers people can call to talk to someone if they ever find themselves in this situation. Tell women the importance of condoms and birth control to be preventive.
You would think that she would have been more forthcoming with that conversation due to the situation starting from her own sexual carelessness.The creator openly admitted to having unprotected sex with a man who wasn’t even her boyfriend.
A random dude that she is out here putting her life on the line for, like a damn idiot. Not taking any responsibility for her part in all of this stupidity.
She is lucky that all she got was a pregnancy and not AIDS. AIDS is a real thing and people need to be aware when having casual sex that there is no room for error. If she had this type of conversation in that video I could have respected the upload regardless of whether she kept her baby or not.
Making a choice like that isn’t easy and the laughing about it was offensive. I found her video to be disgusting and disappointing. Abortion is no laughing matter despite your attachment to the unborn fetus.
I don’t think she is a killer as some stated in her comment section but I do think she has some sort of mental issues due to her reactions. So with all that being said, why do you think she shared this? Was it for the fame? Is it the new normal?
We find ourselves sharing more and more so people can stay interested in our content. Interested in our life whether people make it up or be truthful.
I’ve also seen other YouTuber’s use misleading titles to trick the viewer into watching. Vloggers do this especially. Using titles like “Breaking up”, “Pregnancy”, or “He’s leaving me”.
Every creator on this platform is like crabs in a barrel. They all are fighting to be the next big thing by any means necessary. However, I have to like myself after each upload and if I don’t it doesn’t make it online.
What are your thoughts? Are you sharing too much? Are there somethings you keep sacred? My final thoughts on that creator whom made the abortion video, I hope she is able to seek therapy to move forward because abortion is not so matter fact. Her best bet is to get help from the professionals.
PS please use a condom and have safe sex.