Spotlight: JusChanJ “Black Jack”

Let me ask you something
What is this prejudice thing?
Within my own race
Because you’re light skinned and I
I am dark sinned.
Does that make you better than me?
You’re no better than me
Your light complexion only means that
You need just a little bit more sun than I do!
What is this dark-skinned / light-skinned thing?
They view us all the same.
You see yourself as better than me?
Because you’re light skinned? …Somebody done told you wrong!
Without me, you wouldn’t eve be considered Light-Skinned
You are just another Nigga to them!
Don’t hate me because I am black like you
You see me as dirty, ugly, Just BLACK as HELL!
They see you the same way
1% you’re a black, NIGGA!
You are no better than I
You’re actually the worse kind
You’re in a position that could change my life
And because of my skin color,
You won’t hire me!
You will fire me!
And guess what nigga?
You’re secretly desiring me!
Hey, now tell me why?
Why are you better than I?
Are you educated?
If you are
Than don’t be ignorant
View me for who I am
Not the shade of my skin
You’re the worse kind of all
Thinking that your color
Is better than mine!
Your light skin means
Nothing to them
You might not know it, but
We mark the same box
On an application
We use the same lotion
The same hair products
And the same comb for our
So tell me
What does your skin tone
Have to do with it?
What would you be
Without ME?
We are all so beautiful
Don’t you SEE?
And because I might be blacker than
You think I should be!
You won’t date me!
You down right hate me!
Because of the color of my skin?
They view us all the same
We are all just niggas
To Them.
Somebody done told you wrong!
Don’t you know that
Together, YOU and I
make the prettiest children
Dont hate me because
I am a shade or two
Darker than you.
Love ME
Because we Mix
Our shades make us who
Because we are
Many different shades
They can’t figure us out!
Calling us
Colored, Nigger, Darky
I’m not just darky
You are too
I am beautiful and
So are you
I am so tired of this
Plantation mentality
We are no longer slaves
So STOP hating me!
So I ask you to
Please stop causing me
So much pain
Don’t you know
You’re driving me insane!
Can you do me one favor
Or even two
Stop making my skin tone
An issue to you!
take a look
In the mirror
And tell me what you see
To them we are
All the same
We are all just
To Them!

One Comment
Jus ChanJ
This put me right back in the mindset of a poet! I wrote that so long ago but its still relevant today!! Picking up my pen once again and never putting it back down!! Thanks Jersey, I love you for always following your dreams and being an inspiration to me and so many others! Keep doing it babe, keep doin it!!!