Spotlight: Kimesha Brooks ” The Key”
Jerseyisnaked would like to thank Ms. Kimesha Brooks for her poetic submission to the website. Please be respectful while she bares it all. Thanks Again Kimesha
In my hand I hold a key
to a life never lived.
A life of forgiveness, happiness, and prosperity
To my right there’s a woman that stands there,
She’s weary.
She’s broken.
She’s tired.
She’s weak.
She stands there with her hand out, hoping that someone will help her.
Provide a little assistance in her desperate time of need.
People walk by with a passing glance, sending words of encouragement, but never a helping hand.
As the glances fade away, the woman she remains there, her heart broken and filled with sadness, as she loses her will to proceed.
She loses her fight
Her desperation to live.
I stood there with that key in my hand,
i turned to leave, and I handed the key to that woman.
And she smiled.
As the words “thank you” spread through the air, like a beautiful spring flower opening its petals for the very first time.
But as the woman’s eyes met mine. I noticed something familiar, I noticed that this woman was me.
She held the key tight in hand.
Hugged me tight and walked away.
My knees trembled, my heart beat faster than normal.
That key I held, was to a life not yet lived. A key waiting to unlock prosperous opportunities and precious memories.
My life is now a life lived.
A life filled to the multitude with gratitude.
Its a life that matters.
its now a life worth living.

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Jus ChanJ