Spotlight: Shakira D.

Smile with me, I know you’d like to.
Don’t subject yourself to tears
Put purpose to those pretty little curses on your face and feel
It feels like Saturday morning
Waking up at noon to the voice of common in the background
Making you see that we are , ordinary people
It feels like summer when you first brush your curtains back
And get by that July sun
It’s like you have the house to yourself and you nearly strip because no one is else is there to see
You know
When you go out with your friends and you hope the night never ends
It feels like the end of a bad day
And that one special person makes it all go away
That happiness that lets you enjoy with me,
Wipe away pain
Because with me
You’ve learned to

One Comment
Wow! I find this to be so true. For me, when things don’t go the way I want them to, I ulasuly end up feeling upset at myself. But lately, I simply have been accepting what happens and keeping the thought that some things are just meant to be. With those thoughts it’s so much easier for me to keep going about my day and no more feeling like a heavy burden! Just Light and Happy!!