Spotlight: Wide Body “My Queen” and ” I See Shit 4 What it Is”
Naked wants to put the spotlight on Wide Body. He has sent us some poetry for us to enjoy. Please comment and let him know what you think. Thank you Wide Body for the support of Naked and most importantly “baring it all”
My Queen
My how I admire your glory
with God in her will she applies strenght in all her goals
and Leeds others,as well
cant help but feel that there is a heaven
when i make her smile
one glimpse into her eyes
i forget my pride in realize im alive
Im not A king intill she stands by my side
cant picture a world without you i’ll cry
when she speak i lisen to every word
eventhough my first thought is “make her your bride”
i get upset when guys dont appreciate your worth
shes my best friend and i cant stand to see her hurt
when the Lord created Women he had you in mind
perfect is just a poor word when compared to you
amazing,and your body is blazing
Thanks to you I know in my heart and soul
what Love means…My Queen..
I see SHIT for what it IS.
I been to hell in back yet i cant complain, i’m still in pain,stuck in this dirty game,trying to stay sane ,had to change,to survive the flames,half my family in jail writing me letter’s telling me to maintain,madness sadness on the brain,when it rain it pours,dear Lord i want more,poverty stricken why solders die in war,black Man giving up on there family cant take it no more,why kids watch mother’s fight drug addiction,farther In prison,education means nothing they out to get it,young people being guided by the blind,lost into cheap booze and wine,I see no wins with drugs on the mind,It’s no love In salen your behind,Its true we A generation behind,joy FULLS my eyes seeing the ones who do climb,while fake thugs and gangstas grip nine’s,cant y’all see confusion holds us down,silent cry’s behind wicked smile,morals corrupted as evil stand proud,phony social leader’s clearly constructed Human condition,Change starts where you are living,giving up easy when life has no limits,trapped in reaction instead of solutions to come out of poverty for true satisfaction,The rich would love to see us subtracted,but need us to buy they product,when will we put our money into each other,no one like to suffer,we have been misguided heart divided from truth look at yourself see its true,Global economy out for self, where are we if we cant look to each other for help,spiritually connected but swearing I can do it myself,Heart full of madness,covered with kind pleasure don’t let it take over your mind,furnished in godliness painted in good got real saints misunderstood,People in power with sick thoughts becomes there motives wickedness is what we been taught lied to to keep the wicked in power God is In my heart and GOODNESS fills me mind, i see Shit clearly now we will overcome this some How skiiiii

One Comment
your poetry is truth i Love it i want more…