Storytime: He Got Smacked!
It’s my Friday video on Saturday friends! Today we will be discussing how I ended up smacking fire out of my ex-boyfriend’s face!
When I was in my early twenties I made tons of mistakes as I was new to the adult world. I made choices then that I laugh extremely loud at now. He was most definitely one of those choices. Me and this guy were not right for each other from the start. We were both clearly young and looking for some different from our surroundings. Anyway, my cousin and I went to this diner with him. This is where things became messy. As I stated in the video, I do not like bread. It is not my first choice when picking something to eat.
This guy knew that. He was trying to control the situation by making me eat this bread. I think there is a real lesson here. People will push you as far as they can to see the absolute most they can do to you. Your tolerance level in the relationship is truly important. Your self tolerance sets the tone for the respect level people have. Although the smack was necessary it was me standing up for myself while saying no. Could I have reacted differently sure but people never learn until you bring out your inner tiger. It doesn’t always come with a downwards slap but it can be effective with a few sharp words.
Obviously that guy and I stopped dating. Then I wondered, how did I get there? Why wasn’t I using my brain and my heart to select someone worthy? It was because at the time I didn’t feel important. I felt rejected, unwanted, and sad. That is how he truly ended up in my life. You date and select people in regards to your emotions about you. We have to always continue to love ourselves no matter what. A good question to ask yourself when dating a guy/girl is would I let my daughter/son date them? If the answer is no, then you need to pack up and hit the road jack.
I hope you enjoy the video. Don’t forget to subscribe!
I love you for reading!

Erica H
You know I’ve lost it on several people…. LMFAO! Years ago, I was hanging with my boyfriend at the time and his friend. I was already irritated with him so when he decided to show off in front of his friend, I held him in a choke hold for over a minute. Lol. He felt like pushing me repeatedly while I sat on the couch. I warned him several times but he just kept trying to push me off the couch. So I jumped up, wrapped my arm around him throat, and kept him in a tight head lock until his friend convinced me to let him go. I don’t play that shit. Never have.
this story honestly kills me It’s so funny. I almost wish I had one to share but at the same time I’m glad I don’t ha