It’s Summer, I’m Fat, and I’m Wearing a Crop Top
My body is such a small portion of who I actually am, however it is the very thing people use to judge my entire life. People look at my body and assume how much I work out, how much I care about myself, and determine my overall worth. If I was a person who lived by the standards of others, I would be dead. I decided a long time ago that it’s how I feel about me that matters most.
I am in no way saying that you shouldn’t take care of yourself but being healthy doesn’t look one way either. I walk over 10,000 steps daily, I never take the elevator at work, and I am very active with my husband. However, due to the way I look, the general public can’t confirm those things. So they judge with stares of relief that they aren’t me, while confirming with their gestures that I don’t belong.
So I ask myself these questions….
Why should I wait until I am the perfect weight to enjoy my life and feel sexy? What is the perfect weight anyway? Oh I know, barely there models with chiseled stomaches and pool table legs. Well I am not them and they are not me. They don’t represent my reality and I shouldn’t feel bad for that. As a woman it is hard enough trying to compete with these unrealistic images of what I am supposed to be, so why add more?
So today, I am wearing a crop top and baring my stomach because it belongs to me. My stomach has stretch marks and freckles but it is apart of me. I should not be made to feel bad through society because it does. I feel it is important to express yourself in all ways and not stop yourself because of the ideals that this isn’t for “fat people”. I have been thickums my entire life and I have always pushed the society envelope with what I should wear. Early on I became fed up with pop culture media telling me what I should do, who I should be, and how I should look.
I wear what the fuck I want and when I want. I wasn’t born to make everyone else comfortable. I was born to be GREAT. I was born to love myself and to give love. I am writing this today because I want to tell my fellow thickums that your weight should not stop you from feeling good. If you want to wear a bikini, wear it! If you want to put on a crop top, wear it! Let no one try to dim your light when you were born to shine.
I just started wearing bikini’s two years ago, and I have never felt better. So my advice to you today my loves is to grab your t-shirt, hair-tie, and make a crop top. Be free, be beautiful, and FUCK everyone else.
Today’s look was inspired by fellow YouTuber Meghan Tonjes. She is a body positive activist and an awesome singer. You guys should follow her channel and her music.
Watch her video below and Be Free!
I love you for being you 🙂
Be the best possible version of yourself ladies.