Tahiry That Shit Was Wrong! LHHNY S4 Ep.11 “Put a Ring On it” Review!
I know I am late on Monday’s episode of Love and Hip Hop New York but I need to talk about this!
Tahiry and Joe…

I was so pissed with Tahiry’s melodramtic ass. She basically set Joe up for a let down due to her preexisting trust issues. Here is my take on her trust issues and people who have them. Tahiry has said on the show she has dealt with a lot of his bad behavior during their relationship. What she didn’t say was how she would continuously take him back. Tahiry like most women create a pattern with men allowing them to do certain things and be forgiven after a small amount of bitching.
Ladies we have to own our part in how men treat us. All of that mistreatment wasn’t Joe’s fault it was her’s too for allowing that to happen. Everyone loves to play the victim when it comes down to the affairs of the heart. It is easier to live there than to recognize the part you play and owning it. I am in no way saying that Tahiry is wrong for her feelings but she needs to understand that it is not all his fault either.
No one is perfect and sometimes people end up in situations that are stupid. Forgiving someone once and allowing them to do better is an act of love. Forgiving over and over is an act of stupidity. I am sure this isn’t his first inapproaite realtionship. I am sure there have been far worse things in the past that she has forgiven him for and tried to make a it work. People will only treat you the way you allow them to and if you set the rules in the beginning with follow through most adhere.
Why tell this man to “Move the Stars and Moon” for you and when he does you let him down? Why establish false hope in an individual who clearly still has feelings for you when you don’t plan on reciporcating? If she didn’t want to be with Joe she should have reniforced that to him everytime she saw him. Avoiding places he would be and really following through with the emotion of separation. Showing a consistant face of emotion is important when making others believe in your position.
You can’t be at lunch kee kee’in in this man face telling him you miss and love him but in the next second saying “I don’t trust you!” Stop sending him mixed messages and be clear on your feelings. If Tahiry wasn’t clear on her feelings she should have stayed her ass away until she figured it out.
After nine years of dating what did she think he was going to do? Ask her out on yet another date? She knew that was coming from her request of him to move the elements to prove his love. I think she should have never got back with him to tell you the truth. I feel like if you are going to forgive someone then you need to let it go and move on. If you can’t with that person than let them go. Don’t create a love/hate jail for you both to live in because you don’t want to make a clean break.
Honestly I belive that made Tahiry feel good to start an argument with him when he was trying to propose to her. I think she felt like it even the score for her to say “no” at his moment of varnerbility. Two wrongs don’t make it right and she should have never sent him out on a love request with false hope. That’s fucked up I am sorry. She is all the way wrong for that.
Relationships are not about evening the score. It is a place where two people should feel emotionally safe. Usually I side with her due to his ways but after careful consideration I have came to the conclusion that he was set up to make her feel better emotionally. Which in my head is fucked up. Sorry that shit was terrible.
Bottomline work out your emotions before bringing others in. The worst thing you could do is lead someone on for your own revenge.
Thanks for listening…
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