Take Pharrell Williams Advice and Be Happy! (VIDEO)
Pharrell Williams new hit “Happy” has officially made it’s way to the internet spreading a positive message of joy and love. Pharrell is the only artist in the world whose made a 24-hour music video. The footage has imagery of happy people dancing and singing the lyrics of the upbeat song.

I watched the whole video and it taught me two things. The first is this song puts you in an awesome mood and the second is the song is so good that you can hear it looped for that long without being annoyed. In the video Pharrell performs to the song in his own freestyle then the song continues to loop emerging friends along with I AM OTHER supporters. Watching all the different kinds of people just dance with joy was a great visual for my morning.
I was so inspired by the song that I made my own version. I’ve been an advocate for self love at all sizes,shapes, and colors since I started my blog. My message is love who you are as you are. Just because there maybe somethings you may want to change about yourself that shouldn’t be the determining factor of who you are. If you start anything with “love” first the ending is always positive.
Women are so hard on themselves about weight, attitude, etc that they forget all the other things that make them loveable. I feel that what you put into the world is what you receive back. If you see yourself negatively than so will others. You set the tone for everyone.

The world is a stage and our job is to own it. I feel like it has become my job to help people focus on the positives and not the negatives about themselves. I think when you do that it is easier to improve the things you don’t like.
Changing your attitude on how you see yourself is powerful and it makes a grand statement. I wanted to make a statement using this wonderful music. When I woke up I knew I had to do it.
If only a couple people watch this video I am fine with that because that means my dancing for happiness helped someone. Life is too short to spend on things that are not what makes you whole.
Anytime you forget how special, unique, beautiful, wonderful, awesome, terrific, amazing, different, and cool you are just dance.
I Love You!
Thanks Pharrell for the good music and message.