Having trouble making the perfect steak? Need help? I am here for you! I can help you with this wonderful piece of satisfying meat! Who doesn’t love a steak dinner? Well I am sure vegetarians don’t but this blog isn’t for them it’s for us meat loving son of bitches! In a perfect world I would consume steak everyday if it didn’t affect me negatively. I LOVE MEAT! In this blog I will show you the simple steps on how to make the perfect steak!
To make the perfect steak this is what you will need:
Olive Oil
Kosher Salt
Freshly Cracked Pepper
Picking and Preparing your Steak

When picking your steak you don’t want to go cheap. You want to choose a steak that has good marbling. Marbling is those nice medium sizes lines of fat through out the meat. I find good marbling in rib-eye (cowboy steak), T-bones (Porterhouse), or Strip Steak. If you’re not sure have your local butcher cut it for you to ensure best cooking results.
When preparing the steak for cooking you want to take the chill out of the meat. When letting the steak or any meat come up to room temp, you are then allowing the heat during the cooking process to distribute evenly. Room temp steak before cooking is the best way to acheiving the perfect medium rare center.
You sit the steaks on a rack over a plate to come up to room temp. I suggest keeping a steak out an hour before cooking it. Make sure when having it out on the counter that you pat the steaks dry with paper towel. The best crusts that are formed on steaks come from one that has been dried properly.
After the steaks have been brought up to room temp and are dry take a cooking brush and wipe olive oil on both sides of the meat. Then let it dry for 5 minutes. Once it dries for five minutes salt and pepper the steak on both sides. Now if you want to cook your steak in a broiler instead of a skillet don’t pepper the steak until after the cooking process. The pepper will burn under the broiler but in a skillet it won’t.

Bonus Recipe *Jersey’s Hotel Butter*
Room Temp Butter Unsalted or Salted Butter
Parsley *2 Tbsp
Garlic Powder *Pinch*
Salt and Pepper *Pinch* (Only add salt if you use unsalted butter)
Small Bowl and Cling Wrap
Let’s Get Started! Take 5 teaspoons of room temp butter and add it to the bowl. Then chop the parsley finely and add to the butter. Finally add a pinch or salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Mix all the ingredients and then pour the butter mixture onto cling wrap. Fold the wrap over the butter shaping it into a log. Once you have log formed roll the cling wrap and twist the ends. Sit the hotel butter into the fridge until ready for use.
Preparing the Skillet and Cooking

Take a large non-stick skillet and turn burner on medium-high heat. Let the skillet come to a small smoking point. You know the skillet is hot when it gives off small smoke puffs. When you see that lay the steak away from you and let it carmelize. For different temp desires take your thumb and cover it with the other four fingers. Take your finger on the other hand and press the 3 major pressure points. Towards the bottom of your hand beneath your thumb is rare (125) medium-rare (130-135) and medium 135-140 is the middle, medium well (140-150) and well done is at the top (155 and over).
If you think you will have trouble with the hand thermometer you can always use a heat thermometer and stick it in the middle of the meat not touching the skillet. For perfect medium rare I would remove the steak at 125 and while the steak is resting it will come up to temp and be perfectly juicy.

You only want to flip the steak once. It takes about 4-5 minutes on one side to get that great carmelzation. Once you flip it after two minutes check an internal temp with the hand method or meat thermometer. Don’t walk away from the meat watch it like a baby. Once you’re at 125 inside remove steak and place on a plate tinted in foil. Let the meat rest for a least half the time you cooked it for. You have to let the juices redistribute back into the meat.
While the meat is resting you can prepare your sides. Perfect sides for a steak is rice, potatoes, or a nice mixed green salad.
Now it is time to eat your steak! Enjoy all the meaty and perfect goodness.