The Single Woman Files: Coffee Please?
In the city that never sleeps there was a young woman named Julia with hopes of singing stardom. She never lived outside of her hometown in the south, but she knew this was the place she needed to be.
The horns honking and people moving fast became the soundtrack of her new life. The city was filled with tall buildings and beautiful people. Their bright, and eccentric clothing were her new visuals of New York City. While fully immersed in the culture she was interrupted by a man saying “Excuse Me!” Julia although startled by his rage turned back and shouted “Your Excused!”
The man walked away mumbling while Julia continued on. As she kept walking she stumbled upon a trendy cafe. She figured this was a good place for coffee and to take a small break.
As she placed her bags down and brushed her hair from the middle of her face she read the menu.
Distracted by all the options she hears a man’s voice say “Miss what can I get you?” As Julia pulled the menu down she was caught off guard by the muscles that were pronounced through his uniformed shirt.
Her eyes scrolled up slowly only to see beautifully formed arms, two of the cutest dimples, deep brown eyes, and a smile that would melt anyone’s heart.
Due to her admiration she is not responsive to his question. He then said “Miss are you alright?” Julia regains herself and says “I am so sorry just having one of those days. I would like a cup of coffee light with sugar.” Julia read his name tag and said “Thanks Manny” He replied “Your welcome, I’ll be back with that coffee.” As she waited, Julia pulled out her laptop to login to their free wi-fi.
While waiting for her screen to load she just couldn’t help staring at Manny. He was very tall with a commanding walk. His presence just owned a room. Julia found herself lusting after his perfect rear-end. She then said to herself “snap out of it and stay focused.” Julia knew her reason for being in New York was for singing not a new boyfriend.
Although aware of her reasons, there was something about Manny that drew her in. He arrived with her coffee and said “enjoy.” Julia replied “I’d enjoy it more if you’d share some with me.” At this moment Julia wished she could take back her words but it was too late he’d heard them already.
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Julia became nervous about his response. As a distraction she looked away and started sipping her coffee. Manny smiles and says “I’m off in few minutes and I could sit with you.” Julia replied “okay.”
After his shift was over Manny sat with Julia. They talked about life and their goals. Julia revealed she had dreams of being a successful singer. Manny opened up about his pursuit to be an author and how he loved fiction. The time flew by with laughter, flirting, and coffee.
As Julia finished her second cup of coffee she realized she’d forgotten to check into her hotel. In a panic she started to gather her things while telling Manny she had to go. He was then confused by her hurried motions. She then explained that she was staying at a hotel until she found an apartment in the city.
Manny offered to come with her to make sure she arrived safely. He grab his things and they hailed a cab. The cabbie was recklessly driving trying to get Julia to the hotel.
The cab took a sharp turn and smashed Julia into Manny. He looked in her eyes and said “you alright?” Julia replied “yes I’m fine.”
In that moment Julia felt a kiss about to happen but then the cabbie yelled “We’re here!” Julia went to pay but Manny said “I got this. It is your first time in New York let me help.”
They gathered their things, shut the door, and the cab drove away. Julia checks into the hotel with ease and takes her things upstairs with Manny. The room was decent and just good enough until she found a place.
Manny put her things down and said “Well I better go so you can get settled in.” Julia replied “Well it was nice meeting you.” Before he walks out the door Manny says “Here’s my number if you want to hang out or need anything.” Manny and Julia hugged then he left.
Once Manny left Julia reached out to family, her friends, and watched some television. The hours went by and it was almost time for bed. She then decided to wash off the day in the shower. After showering she opened her suitcase for sleeping clothes.
While going through her clothes she realized Manny left his apron behind. Julia looked at the clock and it was nearly midnight. She didn’t want him to get into trouble at work without his uniform so she called him.
Manny answered her call and Julia explained how he had left his apron behind. He told her that he needed it for work in the morning and then asked if he could pick it up in 20 minutes? Julia said yes, but she had some doubts. She didn’t want him to get the wrong idea but she knew she wanted to see him.
After 20 mins there was a knock at her door. Julia said “who is it?” Manny answered “It’s me.” Julia opened the door and said “come in.” Manny walked in and shut the door.
Julia walked over to the desk to grab the apron. She then turned around and handed it to him. Julia said “I know it’s late but I didn’t want you to get into any trouble. I am so sorry I didn’t see it sooner.” Manny replied “I thought I lost it. Thanks for returning it.” Manny smiled and gave her a hug. Pressed up against his chest she could feel every inch of his sexy body. She felt herself being tempted so she let go first.
As Manny walked to the door he said “I’m glad you called even if it was just for the apron.” Julia smiled in agreement. Manny went to open the door but before he turned the knob he asked “If I kiss you will you push me away?” Julia replied “no.” Manny let go of the door handle and pulled Julia in. He stared, pushed her hair from face, then pressed his lips gently against hers.
His hands left her face and started to move around her body. His lips caressed hers with small sucking motions. He pulled her closer so she could feel all of him. Julia was fully in the moment and let it happen. He then stopped and asked “Do you want to?”
Julia answered with a kiss and removed his shirt. Manny removed hers and went to the bed. While he touched all over her body and kissed her he started to speak spanish. Julia didn’t understand a word she just knew it was hot.
She then pulled down his pants to show his manhood. The circumference was perfect and the length was incredible. Manny put the condom on and proceeded. As he stroked her he continued his sexy spanglish. Julia was completely under his spell.
Manny’s movements were in sync with Julia’s sexual needs. This was the best sex Julia ever had. Manny was the perfect stranger. The morning came and Julia still asleep. Manny got dressed without being heard and left a note by the bedside. A few hours later Julia leans over searching for Manny only to find he was gone. Julia discovers Manny’s note that read:
“Thanks for last night. You were perfect. I will call you. Manny”
On cloud nine Julia gets showered, dressed, and buys a paper to look for an apartment. There was a listing in a building nearby. She decided to walk there to check it out.
Julia arrives to the building and meets the superintendent. He tells her of an apartment on the fourth floor. They take the elevator up and go to apartment 406. Julia walks in and loves it. It was exactly what she needed to start her new life. She told the superintendent she would take it. He starts to tell her of some paperwork that needs to be completed before renting. They walk towards the elevator to go back to his office.
They take the elevator down to the first floor. As she and the superintendent turn the corner she see’s a beautiful little girl running through the hall. Julia stops and waves to the young girl. The little girl runs to the elevator while yelling “mommy daddy hurry!”
Julia hears a male voice saying “Christina stop running!” Then a woman’s voice yells “Listen to your father!” The male voice sounds very familiar to Julia and before she could say “Manny?”
She sees him come around the corner with another woman whose wearing a wedding ring. Julia was in complete shock. She then turned to the superintendent and said she changed her mind.
Juila then watched the man whom given her the best sex of her life get on an elevator with his wife and child. Her feelings were hurt beyond measure. As the doors of the elevator shut Manny looked at Julia knowing he would never see her again. Julia’s experience of honking horns and fast paced people now ends in heartbreak.
Moral –Never take anyone for face value. Find out all you can before you invest sexually. Sex is not the start of a relationship for everyone. Some people see it as nothing more than a physical act to end horniness. Know what it means to you and understand it fully.

I love this one as well…. WOW
This one is my favorite I think.
Girl this was a bomb story! Sorry it took me so long to read it, but I’m hooked now! Love it, Love it, Love it!
Aww thanks! I appreciate the read and I am glad you will continue to read my writing. Cool Stuff!