The Single Woman Files: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
“I don’t care. I don’t trust you Gavin!” said Amanda. “I’m sorry. Let me explain. I love you!” he begged. She didn’t want to hear another word from him. Amanda collected her things and walked out. As she got into the car and drove away the tears started to fall. She knew it was over.
She couldn’t believe that this was happening. Amanda thought to herself how could he violate our relationship? Was I not enough for him? How could he do this? They were dating for over six months and Amanda thought there was a future with him.
His promises of respect and love ran through her mind and released through her eyes. Gavin’s cheating left Amanda confused. The bond she thought they had was broken. Amanda arrived back home only to cry herself to sleep.
The next morning Amanda woke up with a headache. She then threw the blankets away from her legs and dragged herself out of bed. She walked to the bathroom to get some Advil to remedy her pounded head. As she opened the medicine cabinet through the mirror she saw her dried ran mascara and began to cry some more.
She took two Advils and walked back to bed. Before getting back in she realized her cellphone was left in her bag. The phone was dead. She plugged it by her bedside and got back into bed. Her depression forced her to throw the blankets over her head. A minute later the phone chimed and chimed. Alerting her to texts, missed calls, and voice mails.
Amanda couldn’t take the chiming any longer so she turned over to check the messages. She had several messages from Gavin. She read the first text:
Babe I know I fucked up. Can we please talk about this. I love you. I want to make this right. I know you don’t trust me but I can make it better. Please call me.
And Another:
Amanda please hear me out. I am begging you. I love you. I know I was reckless and I swear she meant nothing to me. Please bae call me.
Reading the text messages only made Amanda feel worse. She continued to cry while reading old texts of trust. The text screen was interrupted by a call. It was Amanda’s good friend Sharon. Amanda answered the call sobbing. Sharon said “What’s wrong boo?” Amanda replied “Garvin cheated on me.” “With whom?” Sharon asked.
Amanda then explained to Sharon how she didn’t ask for details and how Gavin just confessed. She told Sharon she didn’t know her name or even what she looked like. Sharon said “Fuck that bitch and him! I am coming over hang tight.” Amanda agreed to the visit and hung up.
Amanda knew Sharon never liked Gavin. Sharon would always talk about how she didn’t trust him. She knew that Sharon never thought they were right for each other. Although Amanda was happy she was coming over to help she wasn’t in the mood to hear “I told you so.”
Sharon arrived to the apartment and found Amanda an emotional mess. She reassured Amanda that there was someone better than Gavin waiting for her. While they hugged Sharon told Amanda she will be alright. Amanda was starting to feel better due to Sharon’s comfort.
After hours of girl talk Sharon had to go. She made plans with other friends and told Amanda she would check on her later. After Sharon left Amanda knew she had to get herself together and let Gavin go. She knew it would be a tough road but she was ready.
Amanda decided to reevaluate herself in the process. Over the next few month’s Amanda joined a gym, took up some new hobbies, and really got to know herself deeper than before. During this time she cut all communication with Gavin.
On Amanda’s way home from gym she decided to stop by Subway for dinner. She pulled in the parking lot and parked the car. She walked in the sub shop and the sub maker greeted her with “Welcome to Subway! How can I help you?” She replied “I need a moment to decide?” The sub maker said “take your time.”
Looking through the menu she hears the door swing open along with a familiar voice. In her mind she said “Shit it’s Gavin!” She knew she couldn’t dart for the door although she wanted to. She had no place to run so instead she just ordered. Amanda asked “Can I have a turkey sub light on the mayo.” Gavin interjects “Please add extra oregano. She really likes that.”
Amanda said “Thanks Gavin I could have told him myself.” He replied “I know. Where you been?” She replied “I’ve been taking care of myself. Why do you care?” He said “That’s the thing I do care. I know you got all my voice mails, texts, and calls.” Amanda said “I’ve been working on me so I haven’t had the time to call anyone.” Although she was playing it cool she was still mesmerized by him. His eyes were so trusting but she quickly remembered the cheating then carried on. The sub maker gave her the sandwich and she paid.
When she walked out the door Gavin said “I will get you back. You can bet on that.” Amanda said “Bye Gavin.” On the way home she calls Sharon to talk about the meeting with Gavin. Sharon is not impressed by what she feels was stalking on Gavin’s part. Amanda told her she still had feelings for him but she couldn’t trust him. Sharon then advised her that every time you see him remember that night he cheated and it will bring you back to what is right.
Amanda heard what Sharon was saying but she was also an optimist. She felt people could change for those they really loved. Although Sharon wasn’t convinced Amanda was excited about whatever Gavin had planned. Over the next few weeks Gavin showered Amanda with gifts, he sent romantic texts, and wrote love letters. Amanda could see that he was working hard for another chance. She decided to take a leap of faith and give him one.
She wasn’t sure what Sharon was going to think about her choice but she didn’t care. Amanda could feel Gavin was trying to be the man she wanted and it was enough for her. She knew she had to tell Sharon the news but every time she reached out she was always busy. Amanda sent a text to Sharon that read:
Hey girl I got some news to tell you and I want to have you over for dinner. Please call me so we can set it up.
Sharon wrote:
Hey Amanda I have been swapped in life I would love to do dinner. I can come on Friday at 8pm.
Amanda replied:
Okay girl. See you then!
Amanda then called Gavin and asked if he was available on Friday at 8pm? He said “Sure I am. What’s up?” She replied “I am having a special dinner and I want you to come.” Gavin happily accepted and asked if there was anything he could do to help? Amanda told him no just be on time.
The week passed and Friday is finally here. Amanda went home and started to cook an awesome dinner for the people she loved. While her food was cooking she took some time to freshen up. After grooming herself she started to dress the table. She wanted this dinner to be special. While putting the last touches on the table the doorbell rings. Amanda opens the door and it is Sharon.
Sharon comes in and Amanda guides her to the dining room table. Sharon notices there are three plate settings. Sharon asks Amanda “Are we expecting another person?” She replied “Yes they should be here any minute.” The doorbell rings again and it’s Gavin. Gavin kisses Amanda on the cheek while giving her a bottle of wine.
Amanda says “Sharon you remember Gavin?” Sharon replied “Yes I do, nice to see you again Gavin.” He said “same here.” Amanda tells them to have a seat while she gets dinner on the table. After a few minutes Amanda serves Gavin and Sharon. Everyone begins to eat and then Amanda stops to say she has announcement. “Gavin and I are back together!” Gavin smiles meanwhile Sharon says nothing.
Amanda stares at Sharon face trying to read her emotions. Sharon then reveals her anger by throwing her napkin towards the table. She yelled “I am so damn tired of the both of you!” Amanda knew she didn’t like Gavin but she had no idea Sharon would react this way. Amanda replied “I love him and he is a better man.”
Sharon stood up in angry and shouted “There is no way he’s a better man for you when he is still sleeping with me!” Amanda said doubtfully “This can’t be true. Is it Gavin?” He looked at Amanda and said “I’m sorry.” Sharon and Gavin left as one.
In this moment Amanda had officially lost everything.
MORAL- Never tell your friends all of your relationship woes because you never know someone’s motives. Also only forgive a cheating man if he provides you with a secure reason to. Don’t allow want to be the reality when it can be a great illusion. People only change when they feel something is too great for them to lose.

Lol that is so foul that her friend would do such a thing. I appreciate the read more than you know.
I knew it was her as well…. Selfish people do not care about others… This was a great story my little lady… Sorry I am behind the eight ball… But I will catch up..
She was a little rat!
mattie gibbs
Dope fake friends show their true colors wow dat was deep definitely issues in a friendship between women
She was grimey!