The Smith Diaries: Tales of a Womanizer Entry 5

My best friend’s deceptions continued past the moment with my roommate. My roommate became just another conquest for Smith. She had now become faceless in a sea of women not yet caught. Now that Smith felt accomplished by his efforts he displayed typical non-interested behavior.
Smith ignored her countless calls and she painfully dealt with his rejection. I had become the middle man in this situation. I had to sit back and watch her pain as she continued to ask me his whereabouts. As time progressed my roommate moved on and remained true to our friendship. She was now in a place where she could deal with his consistent visits to our home.
Although he did not want her he playfully pursued her for sport . This would happen constantly after he was done visiting with me. She resented his antagonizing ways and began to hate him. Smith and my roommates relationship was never same.
It was onto the next for Smith and he had found his future prey. This new woman was from New Jersey. She embodied Smith’s two favorite qualities needy and insecure. His history of girlfriends were all stunningly beautiful yet possessed those attributes.
Smith’s girlfriend’s all struggle with his superficial displays of love. They tend to obsess over his lack of reassurance in their relationship. He favored the women who were dependent upon him. He also like them to cater to his every need. I assumed Smith felt entitled due his demanding job.

After a long day Smith would come over to my house and we’d share a bottle of wine. We would talk and catch up about our day. As we were talking he mentioned Brittany this woman he had known for awhile. Smith said “I just reconnected with her through my cousin last weekend”. “I don’t know Millz there’s something about her, I just can’t imagine anyone else touching her”
After listening to Smith rave about Brittany I noticed a change I hadn’t seen. Him admitting that he couldn’t imagine anyone else with her confirmed to me that love was peeking through his words of admiration. Brittany was definitely one that seemed special. Smith praised her as if she was royalty.
A few weeks went by and Smith finally brought Brittany over to meet me. As I awaited their arrival I asked my roommate to help me prepare snacks for our guest. As we prepared the food I asked her “what do you think she will be like”? “who knows” she said. The doorbell rang and I went to answer. Smith hid her small frame behind his body then presented her to me. Brittany was the first women I had met that I believed was a potential mate for Smith.
I stood at the door slightly nervous “what if she doesn’t like me” “what if she thinks I like him” we’re the thoughts going through my head. Brittany stepped from behind him, and my worst fear faced me as I knew she wasn’t ready to be with my best friend.
Brittany was moderately tall,slender cinnamon toast skin, perfectly waxed eyebrows,slightly slanted dark almond eyes and sweet but goofy smile. Brittany’s eyes disclosed sweetness but I know Smith’s actions would soon turn her bitter. Smith was excited about their new love.
At first my best friend was very happy in his relationship with Brittany. Over the summer she would stay with him on weekends and they spent lots of time together. Brittany was what you called “wifey material” for Smith. She was attractive, God fearing, sweet, and smart. To me she seemed very laid back about our friendship.
We would frequently get together for outings at the beach or amusement parks. Even though they included me in their plans I sensed she didn’t like me initially. Brittany hid her distain about me and Smith’s friendship to keep the peace among us. Brittany loved and adored Smith as he did her.
One evening after work Smith came by the apartment. Still dressed in his work attire we sat down on couch and chatted about Brittany. As we drank our wine Smith confided in me that despite his feelings for Brittany he needs to sleep with other women.He calmly told me I am cheating on Brittany, “Millz I’m going through a phase right now, no guy at my age is faithful. I stared at him in astonishment, because not only is he fooling Britney, but he fooled me.
Just like that without warning Smith’s infatuation stage had passed. I could not believe he simply changed his mind about a woman he once praised as his love. What happened to monogamy? What happened to respect and love for the person you are with?I struggled inside because of Smith, he was the man in my life and his actions affected my viewpoint on men. “Millz I ain’t shit and neither are any of these other niggas” he said.
Smith’s cheating had turned him cold towards Brittney. He quickly obtained numbers of different women ,one in particular from his job. The others were just for play and Smith loved the game. With the cheating came the lying to Brittany. He started keeping her away from his Brooklyn apartment. He made sure she stood clear due to his rumping activities with different women every night. When the coast was cleared Smith would invite her over to sleep upon the same sheets of sexes past.
Smith had one woman in particular who capture his attention inside and outside of the bedroom. Although he still had Brittney she knew there was a strange presence hanging over them. I knew Brittany was right. The ghost that haunted their relationship was a his feisty Dominican co- worker named Gladys. Gladys had become Smith’s new toy.