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Time: Focus On Great Moments!
On the plane I thought about the concept of time. Time is one of the most precious and sacred things on earth. The value of time can’t be measured due to the unknown amount we have. Everyday we wake up to make today a better day than yesterday. We as a people with minimal or maximum effort always strive towards that on borrowed time.
Click Here to Read About My Louisiana Trip!

In the blink of an eye you can miss several crucial moments that can show where your concerns should be. A few days ago while driving to a nail salon my mother finally said “You’re a great writer.” I will cherish that moment and be forever grateful that it was in my destiny to hear. My husband told me today “I couldn’t have chosen a better wife to marry, so it must be God that has done it for me.”
Click Here to Read About My Texas Trip!
Being caught up in our lives as busy as they are sometimes allows us to miss the very best parts. Being in the Middle East I’ve learned that it is those great moments that make up our lives. If I were to die today I would know I was loved, I was where I wanted to be, and I was doing what I wanted.
These facts keep us prepared for the time we may not have left. I know that sounds a little morbid but it is a comfort to feel extreme happiness at this moment. I know a few things on my list I need to do and I pray God allows. For now I can’t complain. I am truly in heaven in my heart, my thoughts, and my mind. The lesson is spend your time and your moments with people who leave you the most fulfilled. Don’t just exist get out there and LIVE.