Tips: Moving in With Someone!
Have you and your mate decided to move in? Do you have a little anxiety about combining your life with your partner? Well you can stop worrying because I have some tips that will make moving in together a breeze.
5 Tips You Will Need When Moving In Together
Be Open Minded
When moving into a place together be prepared for all single self behaviors you have never seen. Understand that when you move in together that you will see the person for who they really are. Long as you keep an open mind nothing will surprise you and you won’t freak out.
Selfless Not Selfish
Being selfless when moving in together will create understanding and an easier transition. When combining lives you have to understand fully that “mine” is now “our”. Everything in the home belongs to all who occupy. If you don’t know how to share maybe moving in with someone isn’t the best idea.
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
When you have never moved in with someone you may find that some of their single self behaviors bother you. Don’t allow this to ruin a great union. When I first moved in with my boyfriend whom is now my husband, he used to throw his clothes all over the floor. As a neat freak it use to drive me crazy. I would get some angry due to my need for order in my life. Then I sat him down and talk to him about it. He then understood and made efforts to change. No one changes overnight but eventually he became better with the concept. Don’t go nuts just have an adult conversation.
This is key. Compromise is the best action you can learn to do. When living together it is most important that each party is heard and pleased. This goes into how money is being spent, decor of the home, and time spent with each other. You will not agree with each other all the time but you must possess the tools to have common ground. Seeing what you want along with a partner and making it work is awesome.
This way no one feels like it’s one sided. Although when he comes down to home decor that is pretty much one sided well at least in my house.
You must accept the individual you live with and the things they can’t change. For example I know that I am the neat one in the relationship. When I clean the kitchen; I sweep the floor, wipe the counters, clean the sink, wipe the stove and etc. When Jay cleans the kitchen he washes the dishes and doesn’t do the rest unless I say hey you forgot this. If I say it he will do.
I accept that he won’t clean the way I do but that one flaw isn’t all of who he is. He does so many other things that are wonderful that I can cut him a break on the kitchen.
Have Fun
I feel it is important to have fun and share moments with the man or woman you love. Don’t get caught up in the hype of the small bullshit of combining lives. Remember at all times why you wanted to be there with this person and the adventures you will go on. Moving in together can be fun and rewarding.
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