Türkiye’nin Bitches değilim! Translation “I’m in Turkey Bitches!”
It’s crazy how one decision can change your life forever. When my husband accepted this job abroad and I came along I had no idea the adventures we would take together. I woke up this morning in Turkey! Who does that?! Well getting here wasn’t all that great I tell you. No one told me I should have worn a swimsuit on the plane ride here!

Air Arabia…
Let’s talk airlines people! So I took Air Arabia from Sharjah to Istanbul. I had never flown with them and I didn’t read the reviews as I usually do. So maybe I will take part of the blame for the experience. Jay and I got our tickets then boarded the plane. The 747 was a little crowded for my taste but hey maybe Turkey is the hot spot.

I was never afraid of flying I just hated the take off. Take off always makes me feel so out of control. It’s like when a choice is made out of your control. Yes I am a bit of a control freak we all have our things!
Anyway, the plane took off and it felt unpleasant. So unpleasant that I got that unnatural feeling that comes from the bottom of my body through my uterus. I hate that shit. Damn plane rape!
While in the air the plane’s inside temp was perfect. It wasn’t too cold or hot it was very comfortable. The cabin crew than began to serve food. Which to our surprise wasn’t free nor was the water. So if you ever fly Air Arabia make sure you pack a lunch and water with your carry on. I brought a bottle of water and then I fell asleep.
Then I woke up with sweat beads on my face and the driest mouth. It was like a 100 degrees on the plane! Then I see the cabin crew coming around trying to sell more water due to them cracking up the heat. I was like oh hell naw! I brought another water and then told the cabin crew to turn the heat down.
He said okay but I don’t think he ever did. I spent the rest of the plane ride with my arms and face pressed against the window to feel the cold. I am sure I looked like a damn weirdo but I didn’t care I was hot.

I’m in Turkey Bitches!
I couldn’t wait to get off that damn fire plane. The captain came over the loud speaker telling us we had arrived in Turkey. I was so freaking relieved and so were the other passengers. When the plane touched down people started to grab their stuff in a forceful way due to the heat. The cabin crew had to make people sit down due to them trying to get out the oven called the plane.
Jay and I finally get off the plane and the driver picks us up. Driving through Istanbul I find that the country is very hilly and the roads are small. Driving to our destination I was just amazed that I was so lucky to see such parts of the world. I have been officially changed. I remember when I made my vision board 2 years ago I hoped for one stamp in my passport and now I have tons of them. I have been to 3 countries and honestly would love to see more.
There is nothing like Jersey but it is so much more out here to see. I feel like I am really living my life and JIN is the space I can share it with all of you. Before checking into our residence we asked our driver to take us to a place to eat.
Let’s Eat! Turkish Style!
We then stopped at Kabob place near where we would be staying. The driver raved on how it was very famous kabob eatery in Turkey. Upon walking in you see the freshest vegetables. I saw bright green scallions, jalapeños, juicy plump tomatoes, and oranges. We sat at the table and the waiter ran to us with these cute glasses of tea.
Tea is a very social drink on this side of the world kind of like Tequila is for me lol. People walk into restaurants and just drink glass after glass socializing with friends. I am sure this happens because the tea is free! It was so cute in the shooter glass that sat perfectly in this small dish. The tea was very strong and smelled fragrant.
It was a natural brew. I then poured the sugar, stirred, and blew for the taste. I tasted the tea and it made me very warm inside. It helped with the chill of the Turkish air. The tea tasted very good and not bitter. Once I placed my tea down they served us an array of breads, a spicy bruschetta, salad, and some pickled delights.
We ordered chicken and steak kabobs. Once they hit the table you could smell all of the spices. I smelled cumin, smoked paprika, cinnamon, and pepper. The kabobs were very moist and tender. It was served with bread and couscous. The couscous was so delicious. I literally ate mine and Jay’s.
The service at the restaurant was amazing and so was the food. I am appreciative for this experience and all the ones I am going to have. I just wanted to share with you.
Thanks for listening. I’m living people! I am living my life and it feels so good!

Tiffany Takes
thanks for sharing your trips abroad! With your comical undertone we’re all sure to get the REAL feeling of places.
Thanks Tiffany for reading my articles! It is appreciated that you took the time to read my world.