Ugly to Pretty Transformations: Are they Helpful or Harmful?

I was watching a hand full of youtube video’s called from “Ugly to Pretty transformations”. All of the women started their videos without make-up claiming that they were ugly. The women in these video apply various foundations, eye shadows, false lashes, and concealers to their faces to create what they call “pretty”. I found these video to be helpful for those who like to enhance their beauty but harmful for those who think they aren’t beautiful without it.
Watching these tutorials I find that when they are done they look nothing like themselves at all. Is the point of make-up to put you into someone else’s skin so you don’t have to worry about your own? I know we are all flawed and some of the body parts or some blemish or scar we have can be irritating but why must we transform? I am in no way coming down on people who wear a lot of make-up I understand it is an art and a form of expression. At the same time I wear make-up myself but I try not wear so much that whomever is observing me doesn’t know who I am.
Why start the video by saying your “ugly”? Why not start the video saying I will show you my daily make-up regiemen for my face. I don’t understand why none of these videos reassurance the audience who is watching that they are beautiful from the start. I am a firm believer that it doesn’t matter how much foundation or setting spray you have if you can’t see the beauty inside then all of the art you have painted on your face is for nothing. We have to wear our confidence along with or make-up. Not gain confidence because we it have on. Is make-up a temporary fix for our emotional damage of what we fill about ourselves? Thoughts?
This girl was attractive before she applied any make-up