I’m A Wife With Side Bitch Moves!
I’ve seen a so many memes on Facebook where the main girlfriend or wife is portrayed as a bitter, run-down, and sexual annoyance. As a wife I am tired of it and I have a little something to say about it.
Being a wife is a hard job, however it is a labor of love. Just because we said we do doesn’t mean we get to appear washed up and bum bitch like. I still have my womanly wilds and mystery about me to keep the freshness in my marriage. I don’t know why the imagery of marriage has to seen as this eternal incarceration. I think in a marriage you have to work harder than you did being single to keep things interesting. Between work, children, and honey do’s you can easily get caught up and forget who you are.
Now I know the title has thrown you, but hear me out. I am going to share three tips on how I incorporate these side bitch stereotypes in my marriage.
Always keep your man on his toes:

As easy as it is to fall into those comfortable oversized underwear and old sweatpants you need to mix it up ladies. Put on the sexiest thing in your drawer. Sometimes that is nothing at all. These actions play double duty. He remember’s the sexiness of you and your confidence is boosted. Not by the confirmation of his indulgence but by your own comfortability to appear naked or in your feel good outfit.

It is easy to forget to just be together and spend that quality time that doesn’t include budget or the children. You and your partner have to make time for just each other. Romance doesn’t always mean gifting something costly. Romance could be you just stopping and taking a moment to tell your mate how you truly feel. Letting them know that they are your inspiration, gift, and understanding that life means so much more now that they are apart of yours. Always make eye contact when declaring your love. As it is the honesty in your behavior that truly allows your words to set in.
Be Present:
Sometimes it maybe difficult combining lives. Understanding how to still be you while being us. However, your partner deserves someone who is going to be in attendance to their life. This means taking a genuine interest in the things they like. For example if your man loves sports and you hate it. You need to find a part of that experience you can tolerate. I can’t stand sports however I love the food and conversation. I love to see the engagement that comes along with the community involved with sports. However, live games are way more exciting than sitting on the couch. To be in the action is just a different thing. Remember to always be flexible as it will be the key to a long-lasting relationship.
This goes both ways. If your lady happens to be into something that you can’t wrap your mind around, still find away to support what makes her happy. The support from your partner means everything in all areas of your life.
I know the title says that you should be a side bitch, but are these not the qualities the male is usually attracted to in one? Before you were married, you were a girlfriend. Committing to a relationship is never an excuse to be lazy. Keep working at it and do all you can to care for it.
I hope this helped you.
I love you for reading…