2020: Wise Mind For Great Mental Health
2020 is in full swing and at first I wasn’t excited at all. Can I be real with you? I was like eh I’m good on this shit PERIOD!
However, I realized how negative I was and how it doesn’t help me remain open to the good that should come from my efforts. It also stops me from recognizing the good in others. It takes more energy to be mad and have ill emotions towards something than it is to think through a solution to co-exist with a feeling.
My therapist has this theory she shared with me called wise mind. Wise mind is when your emotions and rationality meet then work together. I know this sounds a little nuts, so let me explain further.
For example, if a friend doesn’t support you in the way that you want them to and your feelings are hurt. Emotional mind says this person has known you forever and the attempt to do whatever should have been there. Then rational mind tells you that your friend may not have been clear on what kind of support you needed and we should redirect our thoughts.
Wise mind is when both of these thoughts coexist within and you remedy with the consideration of both. One of my mental health tasks is to continue to lead my mind with that train of thought. As people we’re always looking for areas of control to predict an ideal outcome.
However, this teaches you that the ideal outcome is one where the middle ground exist. 2018 until now, my mental health taken a serious beating. Although, I was beaten some good happen to allow me to get up and fight.
Coping mechanisms have truly been the difference in my life. Knowing that you have a tool in your box for uneasy feelings has been such an amazing friend through some troublesome times. I’m so hopeful of the change that is to come.
I know that my life will be better and the things I decide to share can be impactful for someone else. Sharing our stories are so important to removing the stigma around mental health and the measure of our individual strengths. It is so strong to share and stand within your pain while seeking help.
If people felt more comfortable with asking for help, it would be so many lives saved or improved. A part of my growth this year is to be that change. I hope I am leading in a way that makes others feel less alone.
You have no idea how much you need you and how much others need you. We all want to be well. Wellness goals are different for us all.
I just want people to have tools to manage. Having those tools will unlock the crucial component needed to seek mental wellness. Vulnerability is the key to achieving those mental goals.
It is the hardest hurdle to jump because of the baggage that comes with it. I hope that whomever is reading this post has a professional or a friend they can exhibit that too. It is my New Year’s wish.
That’s all for now…
I love you for reading,
Jersey ❤️