#YTCreatorDay Washington, DC
#YTCreatorDay was amazing! I drove into Virginia to my hotel and arrived about 3:30am prior to the event. I Slept for exactly 2 hours and then proceeded to get ready to drive into Washington DC. While getting dressed that morning, I hated my hair/makeup and thought I was going to look like a complete fool. However, I did what I could and put a smile on my face. I was nervous because I didn’t know who I would meet and where the day would take me.

As we pulled up to the Google building, I was just in disbelief. I couldn’t believe that I had actually travelled here to participate. In those moments, my thoughts became things. I didn’t know what to expect upon arrival but I did know that I had to “just be myself”. As we went up to the ninth floor, the doors opened and it all became real. There I was standing on the google floor about to be surrounded by my peers. It was the most amazing feeling.

Before the program began, I met quite a few creators. Some of those creators stemmed from my community I AM NOIR TV and others that recognized me for my work within the YouTube platform. The facilitator started the seminar with an ice breaker. The ice breaker allowed us to go around the room and meet as many creators as we can to then see if we could remember their names/channels. I raised my hand to participate and I remembered the most people. I ended up winning a YouTube play pillow and a google mug.

After that we talked about channel optimization, thumbnails, tags, and just how to be overall searchable. I gained so much knowledge from the day that it has energized me to be the best possible YouTuber. I also realized how important my work was. I no longer have to worry about legacy as I have already started one. My children when I have them can look back and see how cool their mom was. I have captured moments in my life and shared them with the world. I will always be here in some capacity which is awesome.
I made a lot of new connections and had awesome conversations with people from YouTube. If I was ever doubtful of if I should continue on this platform, I know now that I must. I can be whomever I want to be as long as I stay focused. Creator Day confirmed by artistry and confirmation of a job well done. I can’t wait for the next one and I will be implementing those gems I learned from my peers. The day was awesome sauce!
Vlog will be up soon ♥